The First River Farms Neighborhood Watch Committee –

Working for You!!

The main goal of the FRF NW Committee is to keep you informed about safety and security in our neighborhood. We will do that through awareness, crime reporting, a watch patrol, safety, education and recruiting. However, we won’t be successful without community support. Click on this link: First River Farms Community Security Assessment Report for a report of the Security Assessment done by the Fairfax County Police Department for our neighborhood. One of the major points and recommendations made in the report is the importance of light to dissuade bad behavior. Accordingly, our theme is:


Please turn on your exterior lights, front and back, every evening and leave them on all night. Urge your neighbors to do the same. If you wish, timers are inexpensive and can do this task for you. 

The recommendations in the attached report are based on the accepted principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) and include:

* Natural Surveillance: Criminals do not want to be observed - increase lighting, remove obstructions

* Access Control: Locks, fences, and doors to prevent access - 9pm lockup checklist

* Territorial Reinforcement: You will protect territory you feel is your own 

* Maintenance and Management: Your sense of pride and caring for your property and community will tell criminals that you will notice their bad behavior.  

Your Neighborhood Watch Committee is already evaluating and planning some of the recommendations in the report and will be moving through the neighborhood during those efforts. Extra help is always needed and appreciated! 

As we move into summer and homes are empty due to vacations, it’s very important to talk to your neighbors and watch out for each other. Come join us in our efforts!!

Robert Henson

FRF Neighborhood Watch Committee Chair

Our current members:

Clifton Farm Ct: Robert Henson

Carter Farm Ct: William and Hope Mayfield, Vicci Lancaster, Jay Schwarz

Cedar Landing Ct: Janis Surovell, Dave and Julie Halladay, Brian and Leslie Bauman, Nana Frimpong


The First River Farms community is trying to improve our Neighborhood Watch program. This program requires your help! We rely on the FRF resident's eyes and ears to help maintain the safety and security of our neighborhood. We ask that if you see any unusual or suspicious persons, activities, or vehicles in our neighborhood, please report it.

The First River Farms community is trying to improve our Neighborhood Watch program. This program requires your help! We rely on the FRF resident's eyes and ears to help maintain the safety and security of our neighborhood. We ask that if you see any unusual or suspicious persons, activities, or vehicles in our neighborhood, please report it.

You can report the unusual or suspicious activity via email at or on Facebook at

Vicci Lancaster has graciously offered to be our Neighborhood Watch coordinator and will be monitoring the FRF Neighborhood Watch gmail account at She will provide the FRF HOA Board and the Fairfax County Police Department Neighborhood Watch Unit with information to follow up on the unusual or suspicious activity as appropriate.

If you would like to be aware of what is going on in the community, please join our FRF Facebook private group at Examples of FRF related Facebook posts that have been reported in the past include: warnings/notices about solicitors in the neighborhood knocking on doors late at night, lost puppy, community event reminders, loose dogs, Christmas carolers, and illegally parked car issues.

If you suspect or observe a crime in progress or see evidence of a crime having been committed, please contact the Fairfax County Non-Emergency Police at 703-691-2131 or 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency.

Thank you for helping us to keep the community a safe and desirable place to live!


Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) Neighborhood Watch Documents: