Proposed FRF HOA Rules and Regulations:

The HOA Rules Committee will meet at 7:00-8:30 pm, Wednesday, August 30, at the Mt. Vernon Government Center on Parker’s Lane in preparation for presenting a revised edition of the Rules and Regulations manual to the Board of Directors for approval.

The Rules Committee has worked hard to update the policies that govern day to day life in First River Farms to reflect current life styles and incorporate recent developments in technology and innovations in materials. It appreciates the input from many residents over the course of this project. It believes the revisions, which are the result of significant research and consultation with the association’s attorneys, clarify prior rules, cover topics not in existence previously, and respond fairly to concerns expressed by residents over the years. The underlying goal has been to maintain the neighborhood aesthetic, retain and increase the property values of homes, and provide guidance on behavior or activities that enable residents to live harmoniously.

A draft of those updated rules and regulations can be accessed using this link: Proposed FRF Rules and Regs Update_AUG2023_revC. The committee recognizes some formatting and proofing corrections still need to be made and, despite the amount of time and effort that has gone into the creation of the new document, there are some topics that remain unfinished.

Any homeowners who have comments or questions on content should submit these in writing to the FRF email ( by close of business Monday, August 28, to allow the committee time to organize the feedback before the meeting.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to the FRF email by close of business Tuesday, August 29, to allow for adequate room setup.

The two items on the evening's agenda are to finish any uncompleted sections, and to discuss and address written comments submitted to the FRF email prior to the meeting.   Further written suggestions should be sent to the FRF email as soon as possible following the meeting.

The Rules and Regulations Committee


Current FRF HOA Rules and Regulations:

Note:  The FRF Rules Committee is in the process of reviewing, revising and reorganizing the current HOA Rules and Regulations document (last updated 2016).  As updates and additions are proposed, they will be circulated to homeowners and residents for feedback prior to finalization.  Upon approval by the HOA Board, updated and new sections will be added to the “Approved Updates” document below.

Until the entire revised document is available, please refer to and/or print the following two documents, which shall constitute a complete set of current rules.

First River Farms HOA Rules and Regulations (06-20-2016) annotated 2021-11-20

First River Farms HOA Rules and Regulations - Approved Updates as of 11-20-2021

Please note that the following sections are included in the approved updates file: